Talk to someone,

really talk to them, listen deeper, pay more attention, and you’ll notice ___________

In the space between, there’s an emergence.

There’s fresh information encoded there, within and between the relational field. What shines forth, right here, that emergent creative intelligence, that evolutionary impulse ...
that’s Eros itself. """

Pamela is serving as a catalyst for leaders and organizations to be able to create deeper human connection and supporting them to foster the conditions for emergence.

academic foundation
Leadership Training UGL, FUGL
Swedish National defense
Educational, social psychology and pedagogy studies
Lunds University
Bachelor in Gender science
Lunds University
Individual, Group and Family Therapist
Malmö university
Master in Social Care
Malmö university

In addition to co-hosting the largest global Emergent Dialogue training in the world, she leads the Facilitating the Shift Masterclasses, hosts training on cutting edge sensemaking platforms like Rebel Wisdom, Emerge Network, Foundation of Ekskäret. She is also a mentor for new paradigm leaders, Co-Initiator of the Nordic Women’s gathering, and a sacred Spanda Tantrika.

She is the author of books on self-development and gender equality pedagogy, also writing several children’s books.

Pamela is operating in the borderland between science and spirituality; she invites people to go beyond what separates us to meet the most pressing need on the planet: to nurture a more conscious humanity and a more regenerative world.

Pamela has 25 years experience in leadership, personal development, and behavioral science. She has worked with businesses, public sectors, and private individuals specializing in personal, group, and organizational development. In addition, she has founded several systemic change projects and leadership programs in advanced self-awareness and self-leadership.

of knowledge

System Thinking
Polyvagal Theory
Behavioral Science
Non-violence Communication
Growth Mindset

Harness of

In Pamela's harness of wisdom her greatest teacher has been the embodied exploration of life itself.

the embodied exploration of life itself
Hermetic philosophy
Tibetian Buddist; crazy wisdom
Emergent dialogue
Collective presencing
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